Why I decided to launch a digital product


Before I launched my first digital product, I just kept painfully watching as others launched their own. I sat there, wondering if I had it in me. Was that an avenue worth trying? I was curious, and I was close to burn-out. I needed something more.

I absolutely love what I do and am still obsessed with it. I’ve traveled the world, hosted in-person workshops and worked with some of the most talented individuals from our industry. But as my business grew, the first thing to disappear was my time. I was increasingly exhausted from spending weekends and round-the-clock hours working on my photography business.

I had no idea where to begin, and well, wasn’t I supposed to be qualified? Or have a huge audience or email list. I launched my first digital product, hoping to get out of that rut. After a lot of hustle and a definite learning curve, I added an additional £9000 in sales to my business with one £99 product and no Facebook ads. I guess you could say I was hooked!

If there’s one thing I learned after I stopped second-guessing myself and took the steps to launch my first digital product, it’s that every single entrepreneur is capable of creating a digital product.

So stop waiting around. Create the life you want with a thriving, passive income stream.


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